Page 23 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 23

Harun Yahya

            For the construction of a
            building’s water system,
            many components are first
            built separately. Then, these
            components are combined so
            that water can reach all parts
            of the building. Plants also
            have a pipeline and pumps
            that permit nutrients and wa-
            ter to rise upward and reach
            every cell of the plant. This
            system has been designed
            with the same flawlessness in
            all the plants on Earth. With
            all their characteristics,
            plants are important exam-
            ples of the incomparable na-
            ture of Allah’s creative

            can also see time regulators installed at specific points, thermostats, hu-
            midity gauges, feedback systems and temperature control mechanisms.
                 The veins that run like a network of pipelines through every part of
            the leaf permit water and other raw materials to reach the production
            units, and also allow the carbohydrates obtained from those units to be
            distributed to the plant’s tissues. In a plant with trunks or stems, a sepa-
            rate system of vertical pipelines also sends sap to the leaves and returns
            sugars to the plant’s interior in order for it to be nourished.

                 These channels are not limited to carrying essential fluids; they also
            serve as an internal skeleton to support the tree and its leaves. In artificial
            structures, a building’s load-bearing elements (its columns and beams)
            and its water pipes are constructed separately. The way that these two
            functions are served by a single system in plants is a marvel of design,
            whose details we shall be examining in the next chapter.

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