Page 21 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 21

Harun Yahya

                 He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends  down  wa-
                 ter for you from the sky by which We make luxuriant gardens
                 grow—you could never make their trees grow… (Surat an-Naml:

                 Allah created the whole universe with His sublime knowledge and
            artistry. As a result of this matchless creation, all the systems that give rise
            to life on Earth operate together in complete harmony. Every system and
            structure, from the stars in outer space to the electrons that revolve
            around the nucleus of a single atom, are either dependent on some other
            system or else act to complement it.
                 In this superior design, photosynthesis occupies a very important
            place. Using carbon dioxide in the air, and absorbing water and minerals
            in specific amounts from the soil, and with the help of sunlight, uncon-

            scious plant cells create food for all animals. With the energy they receive
            from solar rays, plants break down these substances down and then re-
            combine them into foodstuffs. A distinct intellect, consciousness and plan-
            ning can be seen in every detail of this process, summarized briefly here.
            Clearly this amazing system in plants, with the results it produces, is a
            source of nourishment specially designed to be of benefit to animals and
            human beings. The green plants on Earth use solar energy to produce a

            basic food source that is essential to the survival of all life, and therefore
            of human beings.
                 Provisions for all living things are created as the result of a chain
            process stretching in perfect harmony from the heavens to the Earth. This
            is also indicated in verses of the Qur’an:
                 Say: “Who provides for you from the heavens and earth?” Say:
                 “Allah. It is certain that one or the other of us, either we or you, is

                 following guidance or else clearly astray.” (Surah Saba’: 24)
                 He Who originates creation and then regenerates it and provides
                 for you from out of heaven and earth. Is there  another Allah be-

                 sides Allah? Say: “Bring your proof if you are being truthful.”
                 (Surat an-Naml: 64)

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