Page 22 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 22
Adnan Oktar
Every plant is an independent food factory and power station, spe-
cially created for human beings, making use of the most abundant free
sources such as air, water and solar energy. In this system, leaves are both
solar panels that collect energy and also factories producing food. In ad-
dition, plants’ tastes, scents and colors, are also the aesthetic work of a
sublime artistry. Before going on to examine the various stages of photo-
synthesis, whose every aspect has been created with the greatest knowl-
edge, we need to look at the perfect design behind the general structures
of leaves. This way, we can see how the structures and systems that carry
out the process of photosynthesis have been created with a deliberate de-
How Does the Factory Work?
If you examine a leaf under a high-resolution microscope, Allah’s
creative artistry will appear before you once again in all its magnificence.
A flawless production system has been installed inside each single leaf. In
order to better understand this system,
compare the structures operating
within the leaf to devices we use in
daily life. When we magnify and
investigate the details in a leaf,
we encounter an automatic
food factory, operating non-
stop and filled with conduits,
chambers built for special
processes, valves working like
a miniaturized pressure cooker,
countless triggers controlling
thousands of processes, and
worker cells in a constant state of
activity. If we look more closely, we