Page 19 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 19
Harun Yahya
As you have seen, all living things use the energy obtained from so-
lar rays by way of photosynthesis, no matter in what form they manage
to digest it.
Not only foodstuffs, but also a large number of the substances we use
in our daily lives transfer to us the energy originally obtained by way of
photosynthesis. For example, burnable fuels such as oil, coal and natural
gas contain hydrocarbons in which solar energy was originally stored by
means of photosynthesis. The same applies to the firewood we burn. Just
by considering these materials the vital importance of photosynthesis can
be better appreciated. The discovery of the secrets of photosynthesis and
the unearthing of the mechanisms involved in this process is of great im-
portance to scientists. If this process can be fully understood, it will be
possible to increase food production, make the most efficient use of na-
ture, obtain the maximum benefit from solar energy, develop new medi-
cines and design very fast and small machines powered by solar energy.
However, what is currently known about photosynthesis is insuffi-
cient for us to produce systems that can imitate it in order to store solar
energy. Nonetheless, photosynthesis is a simple, natural process for any
green plant, though it lacks reason and consciousness. It is astonishing
that while human beings possessed of intellect, education and advanced
technology cannot duplicate this system, hundreds of trillions of plants—
from the one-celled algae to towering redwoods—have all been carrying
out the process of photosynthesis for millions of years. They have carried
out this chemical process without interruption, ever since the day they
were first created.
Any spot on Earth hosting the smallest patch of greenery is actually
a factory that manufactures sugar out of carbon dioxide and water, using
solar energy.
Without you being aware of it, the spinach you eat, the parsley in
your salad, and the ivy growing on the balcony are engaged in constant
production on your behalf. This is thanks to the compassion that Allah,