Page 41 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 41

Harun Yahya

            particularly under conditions of intense wind. Other leaves have pores on
            both surfaces, which absorb moisture from the air, especially during fog-
            gy conditions.
                 In some plants, especially Manzanita, the leaves are supported in
            such a way as to remain perpendicular. The surface areas are thus less ex-
            posed to the Sun, and water loss is reduced. Paloverde, which has only ves-

            tigial leaves that appear briefly in spring, performs its photosynthesis in
            the smooth, bright-green branches and twigs. That is because the posses-
            sion of too many leaves in a desert environment means more water evap-
                 As you have seen, plants that resist the desert climate possess a num-
            ber of different precautionary measures against the heat. It is clear that
            plants cannot take these precautionary measures separately from one an-
            other, since plants lack the necessary consciousness, reason and informa-
            tion. It is Allah Who creates every plant with the most appropriate and

            matchless features for the environment in which it exists.

                 How Desert Plants Remain Dormant

                 So far we have reviewed examples of plants whose special structures
            let them withstand drought and aridity. However, we briefly mentioned
            another method of withstanding the desert environment: remaining dor-
            mant. Species that implement this method are known as ephemeral
            plants. They generally live as adults for less than a year, surviving the lack

            of water by remaining dormant in seed form and then sprouting very
            quickly in the wake of a rain. Their sprouts grow very rapidly. Flowering
            takes place in a very brief time thereafter, and thus the plant’s entire life
            cycle can progress from the seed to the seed-production stage in a matter
            of just a few weeks.
                 Rainfall in the desert is irregular, and undependable. If the seeds of
            ephemeral plants were all to sprout after a single rainfall and then wither

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