Page 56 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 56

Adnan Oktar

                   How do the leaves know that this waxy layer will protect them from
              the cold?
                   There is of course only one answer to these questions. The leaf, and
              the cells that comprise it, have been created by Allah, and all the informa-
              tion necessary has been written in these cells’ genetic programs by Allah.
              In the light of these data, cells produce a waxy substance with an ideal

              formula, and secrete it in ideal proportions. Thus the surface of the leaf
              comes to be covered in a completely smooth waxy layer. Unlike those
              trees that shed their leaves in autumn, these evergreen plants increase
              their energy by opening new leaves every spring. When the air becomes
              warm enough, they can perform photosynthesis and concentrate their en-
              ergy resources for the short summer months.
                   Another point to be considered is the vertical cone shape assumed by
              coniferous trees. This, like every other detail in nature, has been specially

                   In the world of architecture and civil engineering, and especially in
              the construction of roofs, one of the most crucial points that needs to kept
              in mind is the weight of fallen snow. Roofs that under normal conditions
              bear merely their own weight and that of the wind are exposed to much
              heavier weights in the event of heavy snowfall.
                   In designing industrial structures and bridges in particular, the effect
              of any snow loads has to be included in the calculations. For that reason,

              roofs are typically constructed by giving them a special peaked angle, and
              load-bearing systems are reinforced by adding in the possible snowfall. In
              countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Norway, which lie covered in
              snow for a large part of the winter, almost all house roofs are peaked and
              are built bearing these engineering calculations in mind. Otherwise, the
              weight of the snow would cause severe damage to the roof and possibly
              collapse the building.
                   When you examine the shapes of coniferous trees, you’ll see that
              these trees have already taken the precautionary measures against the

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