Page 58 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 58
Adnan Oktar
weight of snow taken by engineers using mathematical calculations. The
angle formed by the tree’s conical shape permits the snow falling onto the
tree to slide off easily. That means excessive snow does not collect on the
tree, and its branches are prevented from breaking. To whom does this in-
telligence belong, that calculates the effect of the weight of snow on the
branches, and that ensures that the branches grow at just the right angle
to reduce the snow load to a minimum?
u To the tree?
u To the cells that comprise the tree?
u To the soil?
u Or to random, blind coincidences?
It is of course Allah Who bestows this design on the tree and creates
the entire tree, its cells and the soil from nothing.
There is yet another marvelous aspect to this design. The tree’s shape
does not shed all the snow that falls on it. It permits enough snow not to
pose a weighty danger to the branches to remain on them. This serves an-
other purpose. The small amount of snow remaining on the twigs acts as
a protective covering against the cold and prevents further water loss by
reducing the amount of moisture leaving the needles.
As can be seen from the examples given so far, there are plants par-
ticular to every kind of environment. Thanks to the features they possess,
these plants protect themselves against extreme heat or cold and can live
in all types of environment, from arid to moist. Each of the methods these
plants employ is especially designed according to the characteristics of
their particular environment, and the superior design employed, as a
method by one plant bears no resemblance to the ones used by any other.
For example, while the cactus protects itself with thorns, stone plants use
the camouflage technique. Coniferous trees do not shed their leaves,
while others shed them in autumn. The list of examples could be greatly