Page 63 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 63
Harun Yahya
ered that the plant’s small touch-sensitive structures were actually more
sensitive than the human fingertip. Therefore, who causes the plant to
engage in such conscious behavior? The answer is evident: it is Allah Who
designs the plant, arranges all its actions and mechanisms, and has creat-
ed it with His infinite knowledge.
Carnivorous Leaves
A carnivorous plant is one that attracts creatures such as insects that
catches, kills and then allows its prey to decay, absorbing those nutrients
that will be useful. The leaves of carnivorous plants can be shaped like
pouches, funnels, ewers, or even tacos. They can trap insects, serve as
homes for them, or else store water.
Many plants implement variations on these strategies. For instance,
some plants attract creatures such as insects and birds to help fertilize
them. Other plants, such as the orchid and the water lily, trap such ferti-
lizing insects for a short space of time, without actually consuming them.
They use these insects solely for pollination, but are not carnivorous
plants, because they let these animals go free.
Carnivorous plants use their modified leaves for capturing prey. One
of the most interesting of these plants is Dischidia rafflesiana. Though not
regarded as totally carnivorous, this plant implements some of the meth-
ods employed by truly carnivorous plants. Large colonies of ants nest in
its pitcher-shaped leaves; the plant feeds them and uses the nitrogen it ob-
tains from the ants’ waste products as a nutrient. The ants both enjoy a
ready-made nest and also keep the plant free of any harmful organisms.
Moreover, the rainwater Dischidia collects in its sacs is absorbed by sup-
plementary roots on the inner surface of each sac. 20
Another truly carnivorous plant, Pinguicula (butterwort) trap insects
that land on a thready secretion that their slippery, sticky leaves emit. In
the secretion, such enzymes as acid phosphatase, protease and lipase en-
able the insect to be digested by breaking it down.