Page 73 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 73

Harun Yahya

            scent-production varies according to species, as well as season, tempera-
            ture and light, and some 100 chemical compounds are employed during
            the process. It is thought that plants also have unique compounds that
            have not yet been studied, in addition to those already identified.
                 These compounds are manufactured in ways the likes of which can
            be found only in chemical laboratories. The sap transports various chem-

            ical substances to secretory glands near the rind, where these substances
            are combined in specific quantities by enzymes, through a mechanism
            which has not yet been fully understood, and different perfumes result. In
            other words, the secretory glands work just like chemical factories, com-
            bining different compounds. And with these chemical combinations, they
            give rise to the delightful aromas of the rose, linden and honeysuckle.
            This is a great miracle. At present, chemical engineers who manufacture
            perfumes, deodorants and soap scents in advanced laboratories are trying
            to produce delightful fragrances by imitating these same glands. Human

            beings possessed of reason, consciousness, education and technology
            seek to produce something of beauty by imitating the prod-
            uct of a secretory gland composed of unconscious mol-
            ecules. Yet despite all their superior characteristics,
            no man-made scent can have
            the same attractive quality
            as the originals and can go

            no further than being a
            “good imitation” of the
            aromas of plants.
                 These scents later
            blend with the air by
            being released from the
            leaf surface through
            channels linked to the se-

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