Page 69 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 69
Harun Yahya
son they have to be absorbed through the foods we eat. All vegetables
contain these amino acids in varying degrees. With their structures spe-
cially created for the human body, these plants have no side effects and do
no harm when consumed properly. They merely bestow health and meet
our dietary needs.
The leaves we eat every day, the flowers that adorn our tables and
delight us with their appearance, have been specially designed, both in
terms of shape and flavor. The rich leaves in vegetables such as cabbage
(Brassica oleracea), for example, retain their freshness for long periods.
Even if the outer leaves wilt, it takes a long time for the inner ones to do
so. There are large quantities of calcium and Vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B12
in such plants. In addition they contain carbohydrate, cellulose, protein
and useful salts that are essential for human body also they are low in cal-
ories. 22
Another example of the healthful leaves that we eat is spinach, which
contains high levels of Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and K, substances such as
proteins and cellulose, and large quantities of iron. No matter which
vegetable one takes as an example—chard, purslane, lettuce, artichoke,
cauliflower or broccoli—all are marvels of design with their shapes, ease
of cultivation and nutrient-storage capacity. In addition, each one is a nu-
tritional blessing with its characteristic flavors and contents that have
been specially created for human beings.
Along with these vegetables we eat, there are also leaves we use to
add flavors to whatever we eat and drink. A large number of these leaves
serve as special natural medicines created for us by Allah. For instance,
parsley is one of these, rich in vitamins, especially Vitamin C. Thyme is
another scented dried leaf which has been used very often against various
ailments and infectious diseases since very ancient times.
Modern research has shown that thyme is an antiseptic, whose oil is
a powerful germ killer. Thyme oil, known as thymol, is widely employed
in the manufacture of drugs. In addition to its other nutritional properties,