Page 115 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 115
Last Day, for I did not speak of my own ac-
cord, but God, Who sent me, told me what to
say and how to say it. I know that his com-
mand leads to eternal life. So whatever I say
is just what God has told me to say." (John
These statements clearly state that
Prophet Jesus (pbuh), like all the other
prophets, was no more than God's chosen
servant and that he submitted to Him com-
pletely. He related the message of God to his
people and called on them to have faith in
God, the One and Only. Throughout his life,
he encountered very difficult circumstances.
But despite the large numbers of opponents
who sought to impede his message, he con-
tinued to expound it, exhibiting a very supe-
rior patience. With his powerful fear and
respect of God, he continued to call people to
believe in God, the Creator of the universe,
and to be His servant until he was raised to
His presence. All this makes it quite clear that
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not the actual
physical son of God (Surely God is beyond
that!), but only a prophet who brought glad
tidings from God to his people, who warned
them about the Day of Judgment, invited
them to acquire and then live according to
the proper moral values, and called on them
to free themselves from all sorts of misguided
beliefs. Not only the Prophet himself, but also