Page 116 - Prophet Jesus (Pbuh): A Prophet Not A Son, Of God
P. 116
114 Prophet Jesus (pbuh): A Prophet, Not A Son, of God
those Jews who heeded his message,
adopted his recommendations, and fol-
lowed his path are all muwahhidun
(Unitarians). The oppression they suf-
fered never wore them down, and as true
monotheists, they never departed from
the path of Prophet Jesus (pbuh). They are
known to us as the Nazareans.
Sincere Christians who adhered to the
message of Prophet Jesus (pbuh):
The Nazareans
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) left behind a
small community of loyal believers.
According to the New Testament, the
members of this community, which con-
sisted of his 12 disciples, his family, and
those Jews who believed in him, were
called Nazareans by other Jews. This term
is believed to have come from the expres-
sion Jesus of Nazareth in the New
Testament, or from the source of this ex-
The Nazareans continued to abide
by the Mosaic Law and other command-
ments and prohibitions that the Jewish
rabbis had developed over time. One im-
portant difference between the Nazareans
and the other Jews is that the former