Page 16 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 16
sider that death can come at any moment or think about
what comes next. In the same way, the Renaissance motto
memento mori (remember you will die) reminds people that
they will die and so they should embrace the world as
much as they can. According to this idea, people should
not be afraid of death; rather, knowing that it is near, they
should live as they want, recognize no limits, and pursue
only their own pleasure.
Throughout history, societies that have sought a good
and happy life outside of Allah’s revelations have devel-
oped many strange ideas and philosophies. One point that
they all have in common, however, is the idea that people
should appease their passions and desires and make full
use of any blessings that come their way. Allah calls atten-
tion to such people’s ambitions:
… So turn away from him who turns away from Our
remembrance and desires nothing but the life of this
world. (Surat an-Najm: 29)
Instead of thanking Him for the countless blessings and
possibilities they have been given, they live with an insati-
ate greed:
Leave the person I created on his own to Me alone,
him to whom I have given great wealth and sons who
stay with him, and whose way I have smoothed. Then
he wants Me to add yet more! (Surat al-Muddaththir:
Why do people find themselves unfulfilled? Why can they
not enjoy this life, other people, nature, and living things?
Their only aim is to take advantage of this life’s pleasures.