Page 18 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 18
When we grasp that all of this world’s blessings are a
gift of Allah and are thankful for them, we please Allah. As
a result, we are always aware that the beauty, blessings,
and good things around us come from Him.
However, those who deny Allah do not see this truth.
Instead, they ignore Him and appease their desires and
passions. As they enjoy more and more of these blessings,
their discontent also increases, because they are con-
sumed by the maniacal desire to possess everything.
Instead of being content with what they have, they are
unhappy until they get even more. And as a result, they can
never fully appreciate the countless blessings and limitless
potentials that they already possess. For example, they
may have a fine car but become dissatisfied with it as soon
as a new model comes out. They believe that going on
vacation will end all of their difficulties; however, the slight-
est setback causes them misery and anxiety. They do not
try to overcome their difficulties with patience and submis-
sion to destiny, but become pessimistic and return even
more anxious and disappointed. Even if they had enjoyed
themselves, their pleasure is only temporary; the following
anxiety is far more enduring.
Of course, this testing place is full of beautiful things as
well as of flaws, imperfections, and lack of durability – all
of which they will encounter. For example, rich people may
lose their wealth through an accident or a disaster, attract-
ive people may lose their looks, and intelligent people may
lose their mental abilities. In addition, their youth and
health, as well as their energy and strength, will fail in time.