Page 59 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 59

Adnan Oktar                        57

            themselves more than others and, thinking that they are
            more valuable than others, want others to do them favors,
            protect them, and take an interest in them.
               As long as they get this attention, they feel a certain
            sense of love. But most often, this type of love does not
            make others happy or feel loved, for it is false and direct-
            ed toward gain. Being no more than a polite pretense for
            the sake of other people’s feelings, it ends when the goal
            is achieved. Naturally, they cannot show any sincere affec-
            tion, no matter how often they express their love. All they
            can do is to mouth the stereotyped words and phrases
            generally available for this purpose and used on special
            days set apart for expressions of love. However, believers
            can express true love toward others with sincere, moving,
            and wonderful words, because the joy of love is alive in
            their hearts. Indeed, believers who sincerely honor and
            love their beloved will never do or say anything to harm
            that person. Above all, this type of love does not depend
            upon circumstances or any expected reward from people.
            True love expects a reward only from Allah, for its sole pur-
            pose is to win His favor.
               Unbelievers think that love grows weak over time due to
            mutual boredom and a loss of enthusiasm. Of course,
            many relationships end this way among the unbelievers,
            for their love was based upon falsity and was never true. In
            true love, time always plays a positive role, for it enables
            each person to better appreciate the other’s compassion,
            mercy, generosity, consideration, self-sacrifice, and other
            good qualities. Their love grows stronger over time as their

                                  Harun Yahya
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