Page 61 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 61

Adnan Oktar                        59

               Companions of the Right: what of the Companions of
               the Right? Amid thorn-less lote-trees, fruit-laden aca-
               cias, wide-spreading shade, outpouring water, and
               fruits in abundance never failing, unrestricted. And on
               elevated couches. We have brought maidens into
               being and made them the purest virgins, devoted, pas-
               sionate, of like age, for the Companions of the Right.
               (Surat al-Waqi‘a: 15-38)

               The loss of loyalty and faithfulness

               As we have said from the beginning of this book, the
            ignorant base their behavior on getting all they can out of
            life and the other people around them. This shallow goal
            drives them to evaluate everything from the point of view
            of gain – and to this end they are prepared to sacrifice
            almost everything, including many of the very things they
            value the most and everyone they claim to love. Therefore,
            it is impossible for these people to experience true loyalty
            and faithfulness.
               In their passionate pursuit of money, possessions, and
            property, unbelievers forget the importance of feeling love,
            respect, and loyalty. They think, mistakenly, that material
            things will make them much happier. However, as we said
            earlier, none of these things will bring them the content-
            ment they seek. No matter how much respect, fame and
            renown they have in society and no matter how much
            property and how many possessions they have, none of
            these things can buy them true human friendship and loy-
            alty. Bereft of these values, they can never truly make

                                  Harun Yahya
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