Page 95 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 95
Adnan Oktar 93
They should not start to think about these things when
they have lost everything and death is approaching; rather,
they should do so the first time He shows them the truth
and warns their conscience. When they come to this point,
if they are sincere, Allah will show them the true path and
what they ought to do. As He is All-Knowing and closer to
them than their jugular vein, He will know what they desire
and seek, and will show them the right road and how to
escape their anxieties. However, if people do not change,
it is their own fault, for:
Any good thing that happens to you comes from Allah.
Any bad thing that happens to you comes from your-
self. (Surat an-Nisa’: 79)
In another verse, He says that should a person desire to
change his situation, he must first make a sincere change
in his heart:
. . . that is because Allah would never change a bless-
ing He has conferred on a people until they had
changed what was in themselves. Allah is All-Hearing,
All-Knowing. (Surat al-Anfal: 53)
The moment people decide to change and sincerely
examine themselves, and then alter their way of thinking,
Allah will know it and change His blessings on them, for
His forgiveness and generosity are infinite and His mercy is
. . . except for those who repent and put things right
and make things clear. I turn toward them. I am the
Ever-Returning, the Most Merciful. (Surat al-Baqara:
Harun Yahya