Page 90 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 90


            them to forget the importance of these fine qualities. Some
            unbelievers consider this degeneration as a kind of mod-
            ernism and, instead of practicing these virtues, focus on
            those worldly qualities that will give them prestige in each
            other’s eyes. They place no importance on dignity and
            honesty, for it is more important where they live, what kind
            of car they drive, if they follow the latest clothing fashions,
            or have the latest albums. When it comes to choosing
            friends, the last thing they look at is the person’s moral
            character, dignity, and honor.
               Some people who ignore the Qur’an’s morality do not
            want their friends to value honesty or to act with dignity
            and honor. For this reason, they prefer friends who are like
            themselves. Of course, such people cannot respect each
            other; rather, they behave toward each other in unseemly
            and peevish ways that reveal their moral degeneration.
            This is just one of the recurring frustrations that their
            unseemly morality brings upon them.
               The unbelievers have also lost all honor. They do not
            respond maturely when confronted with ignorant attitudes,
            or do not hesitate to lie, be hypocritical, behave in unseem-
            ly ways, or commit fraud for small gains. They think they
            can attain honor by possessing more money, property and
            power, by being arrogant, being condescending toward
            others, and using their wealth to seem superior. So, having
            lost their honesty, dignity, and honor, they live in a world
            dominated by material values. Just what kind of life does
            such a world provide for them?
               Above all, contrary to their assumptions, moral degen-
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