Page 86 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 86
them; it was they who were wrongdoers. (Surat az-
Zukhruf: 74-76)
They do not know the rewards of wisdom and
deep reflection
Wisdom is a most-needed quality, and yet it is rarely
found. Faced with problems in their daily lives and bewil-
dered by their plans for the future, some people strive to
work out all the details as best they can and make the most
intelligent decisions about proceeding forward. Whenever
they feel that their own knowledge, experience and judg-
ment are insufficient, they look elsewhere for intelligent,
knowledgeable, and insightful individuals to give them
advice. But they cannot always find such helpful individu-
als. And the advice they do receive from those around
them as to how to solve problems is always much the
same – mainly because ignorant people live their lives to
please others and in compliance with their expectations.
Instead of seeking out what is true, good and useful, they
adjust their aims and goals to the expectations of those
around them and live according to these criteria. Such
people live unreflective lives.
Such a way of life leaves no room for intelligent thought
and the exercise of wisdom. Such people already know
what they will do, how they will do it, how they will act, and
what methods they will use, for their lifestyle has been
handed down from generation to generation. They have no
desire to examine their way of life, recognize their errors,
and correct them. In the Qur’an, Allah describes the way of