Page 81 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 81
Adnan Oktar 79
sion would result, for their environment would be content
and secure.
To escape this fear and anxiety, people must put their
trust in Allah. Anxiety and tension arise from not being
aware that Allah is in control of everything, and from refus-
ing to trust Him and submit to Him. Those who live in con-
stant anxiety do not realize that Allah controls everything
that happens, not only to them but to everyone they are in
touch with, without exception. They assume that earth-
quakes, floods, rainstorms and fires happen spontaneous-
ly with no connection with anything else. Because they
lack any faith in Allah, they think all these disasters happen
by chance or by some imagined bad luck.
This way of thinking only leaves them tense because
another such “surprise” could occur at any moment.
However, living in this kind of constant fear and anxiety is
no solution. On the contrary, anyone experiencing such
anxiety lives a very difficult, discontent and unhappy exis-
tence and cannot enjoy the good things in life. The solution
is to trust in Allah. Everything that happens in the universe
is under His control, and He has created everything to be
good for His servants. Those who have faith know that
whatever seems good, bad or ugly has been created by
Allah as a test for human beings and to reward those who
do good deeds. Therefore, no matter what befalls, they
know that Allah will protect them and everything will turn
out for their personal good. For this reason, they are con-
tent. He will support those who understand this truth and
sincerely submit to Him by sending down to them a sense
Harun Yahya