Page 76 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 76


            and avaricious. They are in constant distress because they
            act against their conscience. And the fact that those peo-
            ple around them display this same moral character makes
            them always sad and frustrated. Of course, those who
            intend to live good lives and make the best use of this
            world’s bounty are greatly disappointed by such benight-
            ed lives. But never forget, these individuals have chosen
            these lives of darkness by their own free will. While it is
            possible for them to believe in Allah and to enjoy both
            worlds’ abundant pleasures, they are content with this
            world’s few transient material pleasures. While they can
            live a good moral life by choosing to follow their con-
            science instead of their egotistical desires, they choose the
            latter. In their desire for a chaotic environment, they know-
            ingly destroy the pleasures they could have had. Allah
            informs us what awaits such people in the Hereafter:
               As for those who do not expect to meet Us, and [who]
               are content with this world’s life and at rest in it, and
               those who are heedless of Our signs, their shelter will
               be the Fire because of what they earned. (Surah
               Yunus: 7-8)

               They cannot know the rewards that flow from
               compassion and mercy

               Compassion and mercy are important components of a
            good moral character. Those with such a character show
            these qualities, which give them a deep sense of pleasure
            and enable them to win the love, respect, and admiration
            of those around them. Mercy brings a person many more
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