Page 75 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 75
Adnan Oktar 73
give an account for everything they have done while not
consulting their conscience.
In addition, a good moral character allows people to
enjoy this life, for it produces joy and delight in the human
spirit that cannot be compared in intensity to any material
gain. No one can understand this in the absence of direct
experience. This delight is the exact opposite of the emp-
tiness produced in the human spirit by unbelief. Since the
joy and contentment that comes from listening to one’s
conscience cannot be found in the greed for worldly gain,
the unbelievers’ egotistical character causes them to live in
a world of darkness, one that has no room for generous
and tolerant, gentle and forgiving, and compassionate and
loving people. Therefore, they are doomed to live in a
world of chaos and upheaval, one that offers no peace,
friendship, or tranquility. Unable to take pleasure in being
generous, they live with the pangs of conscience that self-
ishness brings. Since they have never known how to be
tender or speak gently, they suffer from living in a conten-
tious and quarrelsome environment. They know the physi-
cal and emotional misery of frustration, and respond to it
by shouting and resorting to physical violence.
They live in a difficult environment, one in which people
speak with sarcasm and anger and are anxious to satisfy
their desire for revenge. Unable to easily show humility,
they become hardened by pride and gloomy arrogance.
They always want more, know nothing of the spiritual tran-
quility that comes from being thankful and content, and
have to endure the difficulties that come from being greedy
Harun Yahya