Page 71 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 71

Adnan Oktar                        69

            same way, one’s inner anger and dislike is reflected in
            one’s facial expressions, choice of words, and the empha-
            ses of sentences. The ignorant harm only themselves by
            this kind of behavior. They approach others with insinceri-
            ty, under false pretenses and those whom they address
            direct the same insincerity back at them. All their lives, as
            we said earlier, they have longed for an honest and sincere
            friend, but they have never been able to find such a bless-
            ing – because of the warped moral understanding that
            dominates their society. They cannot be a genuine friend
            to anyone, and cannot experience any warm, close rela-
            tionships. They will relate to their closest friends, spouses
            and even their parents with the same insincerity.
               However, being honest, sincere, and having a transpar-
            ent and sincere spirit brings great pleasure, for human
            beings were created to live in such a manner. For this rea-
            son, those who behave according to their own innate
            nature derive great pleasure from the quietness of their
            conscience. Even if they know that they will suffer some
            setback, the pleasure derived from their quiet conscience
            will never falter. But unbelievers who make no effort to be
            honest are sunk in their own negative moral qualities,
            afraid that other people will learn of their true qualities.
            Therefore, they conceal their true thoughts and feelings as
            much as they can. Believers, on the other hand, do not
            hesitate to show the good qualities in their hearts. If they
            think something good about someone, they tell that person
            openly; if they think something negative, they explain their
            feelings in a way that will be beneficial for the other person,

                                  Harun Yahya
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