Page 69 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 69
Adnan Oktar 67
comes to an end. For example, unbelievers may associate
with someone who is attractive and good-looking. But if
this person’s looks change due to an accident and needs
to be looked after, the friendship ends. However, if their
friendship was based on their mutual fear and respect of
Allah, faith, and high morality, any physical change could
not alter it. On the contrary, a real friend would feel even
more compassion.
Unbelievers also suffer from this disloyalty themselves.
For example, they may lose their looks, youth, health,
wealth, and possessions and soon find themselves aban-
doned by those who they thought were real friends. In
good times, these people were close and intimate and
promised to be faithful until death; but now, they pretend
not to know one another. They have no one with whom to
share their problems, no one they can trust, ask for advice
and assistance. They discover that their friends liked them
only for what benefit they could provide.
However, believers live in an environment permeated by
the fear of Allah and belief, all of which create feelings of
love and respect. Those who do not follow the Qur’an’s
morality and know one another’s unseemly moral charac-
ter cannot trust or feel true love and respect for others.
How can you love someone who you know is a liar and a
hypocrite and who uses others for his own benefit? Even if
you treat them as close and intimate friends, you know that
their friendship is insincere because they have some ulte-
rior motive in mind. This lifestyle, the product of unbelief, is
a real dead end. They know this and always complain
Harun Yahya