Page 68 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 68


               Of course, finding a true friend is a real blessing. Such
            friends are with you in good times and bad, want for you
            what they want for themselves, want you to be happy and
            to have the best as much as they want those things for
            themselves. In other words, such friends are never jealous
            of each other. Among their qualities is the desire that their
            friends be happy in both worlds. They are open and hon-
            est with each other about their faults and show them how
            to overcome them. People generally think this is an
            aggressive attitude; however, only a true friend would do it.
            Those who have a sense of rivalry or envy toward another
            will not point out other people’s mistakes if they do not
            have to, because they do not want the other person to be
            better than they are. And so they flatter them: “You’re very
            good,” “Don’t change,” and “Always stay the way you are.”
            In order to be a good friend, you must be able to love your
            friends for their lovable qualities: their fear and respect of
            Allah, sincerity, and good moral character. Only a friend-
            ship founded on these values is lasting. So, even though
            their desire to do so may be great, those of an ignorant
            moral character most often cannot find any good friends.
            No doubt you have heard people make complaints similar
            to these: “I’m very lonely.” “I don’t have a single friend,”
            and “Everyone has gone away and left me in the lurch. I
            guess they were fair-weather friends.”
               Friendships based upon wealth, beauty, respect, posi-
            tion, or social status are never long-lasting, for conditions
            change. As soon as the conditions on which the friendship
            is based are changed in any way, the friendship itself
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