Page 82 - Those Who Exhaust All Their Pleasures In This Life
P. 82
of serenity from His presence:
He sent down serenity into the hearts of the believers,
thereby increasing their faith with more faith – the
legions of the heavens and Earth belong to Allah. Allah
is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Surat al-Fath: 4)
Every event and person is under Allah’s control and can
only come about with His permission and knowledge. In
the Qur’an, we are informed that no one can do anyone
any harm or benefit without Allah’s permission:
If Allah afflicts you with harm, no one can remove it
except Him. If He desires good for you, no one can
avert His favor. He bestows it on whichever of His ser-
vants He wills. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Surah Yunus: 107)
Knowledge of this truth allows believers to live a secure
and content life. Those unbelievers who persist in their
own delusions without believing in Allah or obeying the
Qur’an cannot know the pleasure that comes from this
security, contentment, and happiness. This is only one of
the losses that Allah makes them suffer in this Earthly life
for having denied Him.
They have lost the joy of living in hope
Unbelievers consider life to be a “certain number of
basic facts” and think that being hopeful is a way to “con-
sole themselves.” In their view, the basic facts of life are
that the wealthy have power and the poor are oppressed,
that it is naïve to do anyone any favors, that those who tell