Page 73 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 73
love of and devotion to Allah. Be-
lievers have faith that everything
they experience happens because
He wills it to, and thus sincerely
accept everything that our Lord
sends their way. Aware that Allah
is their true friend and guide, all
believers know that His religious
moral values will eventually tri-
Allah has promised that He
will never allow those who deny
Him to triumph over the believers.
Therefore, the prophets and their
followers will inevitably be victo-
rious, for He states that the traps of
those who set snares for the believ-
ers are doomed to failure:
… shown by their arrogance in
the land and evil plotting. But
evil plotting envelops only those
who do it. Do they expect any-
thing but the pattern of previous
peoples? You will not find any
changing in the pattern of
Allah. You will not find any al-
teration in the pattern of Allah.
(Surah Fatir:43)