Page 75 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 75


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                  ued for the next three centuries. Most of those who believed
                  in the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) had to keep their faith secret,

                  and many of those who declared their faith suffered severe
                  punishment, torture, and, sometimes, even death. How-
                  ever, the unbelievers' greatest plot was, without a doubt,
                  their attempt to kill the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). A number of
                  leading people collaborated with the Roman pagans, and,
                  with the support of various hypocrites, devised a plan. Each
                  stage was planned down to the finest detail, and they were
                  convinced that it would succeed. However, their plan was
                  disrupted in a most unexpected way: They imagined that
                  they had killed the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), but in reality,
                  Allah raised him to His Presence and protected His prophet
                  from their snares and deceptions. By means of this miracle,
                  their plan failed.

                         Allah Foiled the Unbelievers' Plot
                       The plan to kill the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is not an iso-
                  lated event, for throughout history unbelievers have made
                  similar plans against the prophets sent to them. In the

                  Qur'an, Allah reveals that whenever a prophet came to his
                  unbelieving people and began calling on them to live by the
                  moral values of the true religion, the unbelievers would in-
                  evitably set about preparing traps for them and even try to
                  kill them:
                       We gave Moses the Book and sent a succession of messen-
                       gers after him. We gave Jesus, son of Maryam, the clear
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