Page 81 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 81


      The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Is Not

          Allah reveals in the Qur'an, among
     many other glad tidings, that the Prophet
     Jesus (pbuh), one of His' messengers, is not
     dead and was not put to death. To acquire a
     better understanding of this, we will con-

     duct a detailed examination of the relevant
          Surah Al 'Imran:55 and Surat an-
     Nisa':157-158 head the list of those verses
     that relate how the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

     was not killed but was raised alive to Allah's
     Presence. When these verses are examined
     word by word, this most important truth is
     clearly revealed. Another truth is also indi-
     cated: the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), who now
     lives in Allah's Presence, will return to Earth
     during the End Times. This fact will be ex-

     amined in later sections of this book.
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