Page 86 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 86


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                         Abu Mansur Muhammad al-Maturidi, regarded as
                    one of the first Qur'anic commentators, also stated that the

                    verse does not refer to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) dying in the
                    familiar biological sense:
                         The thing being referred to in the verse is not passing on
                         in the sense of death, but in the sense of the body being
                         taken from this world. 31

                         Islamic scholars agree that mutawaffeeka means that the
                    Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, but that he was raised to
                    Allah's Presence and will return to Earth. For example, the
                    famous commentator and scholar al-Tabari stated that mu-
                    tawaffeeka is used in the sense of "removing from Earth" and
                    interpreted the verse in the following terms:
                         In my opinion, the soundest thing is to take this word in
                         the sense of "to take into one's possession," "draw [away]
                         from Earth." In that case, the meaning of the verse is: "I
                         shall take you from Earth and into the heavens." The rest of
                         the verse emphasizes the [believers'] victory over unbe-
                         lievers in the End Times, which confirms the above idea." 32
                         Further on in his commentary, al-Tabari included
                    other interpretations of mutawaffeeka. Islamic scholars are in
                    general agreement that its correct interpretation is "a kind

                    of sleep." According to Imam Hasan al-Basri, the Egyptian
                    scholar Muhammad Khalil Herras stated that the verse
                    means: "I shall put you to sleep and raise you to My Pres-
                    ence as you sleep." In his commentary, al-Suyuti said, based
                    on reliable hadith, that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die,
                    and then continued:
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