Page 89 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 89
In my view, a summary of this interpretation and belief is
as follows: The soul of Jesus (pbuh), described as a "word
from Allah" and reinforced with the "Purest Spirit", has
not yet been taken. His soul has not come to the hour of
death. "The Word" has not yet returned to Allah. He still
has work to do in this world. 36
As we have seen, this verse does not mean "death" in
the sense as it is generally used in English. The expression
in this verse reports that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was
placed in a condition similar to sleep and then raised to
Allah's Presence. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, but
was merely removed from this dimension by His will.
(Allah knows the truth.)
An Explanation of Surat an-Nisa':157-158
Another verse that Allah states of the plotters' failure
to kill the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is Surat an-Nisa':157. This
verse needs to be examined together with the one immedi-
ately following it, for both of them reveal that the unbeliev-
ers did not kill or crucify the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), but were
made to think they did, and that he was raised to Allah's
And [on account of] their saying: "We killed the Messiah
[qatalnaa], Jesus son of Maryam, messenger of Allah."
They did not kill him [maa qataloohu] and they did not cru-
cify him [maa salaboohu], but it was made to seem so to them
[shubbiha]. Those who argue about him are in doubt about it.
They have no real knowledge of it, just conjecture. But they