Page 92 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 92
any doubt about whether someone condemned to death has
actually died. If there is doubt, something out of the ordi-
nary must have occurred. Those who had sought to kill the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) would have felt no doubt as to
whether they had succeeded or not. However, our Lord re-
veals that they did have such doubts, were only speculat-
ing, and had no certain information. This is one of the
proofs that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die but was
raised alive to Allah's Presence.
Foiling this Trap Shows Allah's Superior Might
Another element that attracts our attention is the ex-
pression: "Allah raised him to Himself. Allah is Almighty, All-
Wise" (Surat an-Nisa':158). In all likelihood, this extraordi-
nary situation shows Allah's superior might. (Allah knows
the truth.)
In their commentaries on this verse, Islamic scholars
point out that these words represent an extraordinary reve-
lation of Allah's might and wisdom. For example, Fakhr al-
Din al-Razi said:
Allah reveals at the end of the verse that "Allah is
Almighty, All-Wise." The intention behind almightiness
here is the perfection and immaculate nature of that
might, and that behind wisdom is the perfection and im-
maculate nature of knowledge. In this way, Allah has in-
dicated the raising of Jesus (pbuh) and that no matter
how impossible this may seem to a person, it is not im-