Page 96 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 96
Other Islamic scholars opined that the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) did not die and could not be killed, and that he is
alive in Allah's Presence. Some of their comments are given
Omer Nasuhi Bilmen: "They do not definitively believe
that Jesus (pbuh) was killed. Such guesswork and specu-
lation have no value. Allah openly declares the true facts
in the Qur'an, saying that He used His Divine might to
raise this blessed prophet, alive, to the heavens. For those
who look at the greatness of the Divine might and its
manifestation in the universe, with millions of creations,
with the eye of the heart, it is impossible to regard the
raising of a glorious prophet, in body and soul, to the
highest levels, as an untrustworthy account." 41
Hasanayn Muhammad Mahluf: "The belief of Muslims is
this: Jesus (pbuh) was neither crucified nor killed, but was
raised alive in body and soul to the heavens. He will con-
tinue to live in the heavens for as long as Allah so
wills…" 42
Imam Zahid al-Kawthari: "The Jews intended to physi-
cally kill Jesus (pbuh), but Allah confounded their aim by
rescuing the body of Jesus (pbuh) and raising him to His
Presence. In order to refute the Jews' claim, this ascension
must have been a physical one…" 43
Hamdi Yazir of Elmali: "Those who differ on this issue
are definitely in a state of doubt and have no knowledge
in this regard. They have engaged in speculation. How-
ever, those who said that they killed Jesus (pbuh) cer-
tainly did not kill him. Therefore, it is a lie for them to