Page 101 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 101
commentator al-Sabuni set out his ideas on this event:
The wisdom of Allah making such a declaration is His giv-
ing the glad tidings that He will save Jesus (pbuh) from the
Jews and raise him in full health to the skies, without his un-
dergoing any suffering. 50
Mehmet Vehbi Efendi wrote:
It is certain, due to this verse [Surat an-Nisa:158], that Jesus
(pbuh) ascended to the heavens. 51
Zahid al-Kawthari stated that the ascension is so clear
and certain that there is no room for any objections. Al-
Kawthari cited Surah Al 'Imran:55 and Surat an–Nisa':157-158
as evidence and said that this event is beyond doubt. He uses
the word nass, which means certainty or indisputability stem-
ming from a Qur'anic verse or a hadith. He went on to say: