Page 102 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 102


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                         That is because the basic meaning of the word (rafa'a in
                         the verses) is transportation from below to above. There
                         is no element here that could be used to interpret the
                         verses metaphorically. Therefore, there is no evidence for
                         seeking to produce a meaning in the sense of ascension in
                         honor and station. 52
                         Mawdudi set out his views on the subject in the fol-
                    lowing terms:
                         If Allah had willed to reveal what is expressed in the
                         verse [Surat an–Nisa':158] in the words "Allah killed him"
                         or "Allah raised his rank," He would have openly done
                         so. Instead of the former, He could have revealed the
                         words "Certainly they neither killed him nor crucified
                         him, but He saved him and later on caused him to die at
                         his own appointed hour of death." Instead of the latter,
                         He could have revealed the expression "They tried to hu-
                         miliate him by crucifying him, but Allah raised him
                         greatly in rank." 53
                         As clearly seen from the verses and the Islamic schol-
                    ars' comments, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was raised alive,
                    with his body, to Allah's Presence. This is a miracle of Allah,
                    and a wonder that will inspire great enthusiasm and excite-
                    ment among all believers. Claims that only his soul was

                    raised to His Presence, or that his ascension was only spiri-
                    tual (in station), do not reflect the facts. The invalidity of
                    such claims has been proven by many Islamic scholars,
                    some examples of which have been cited above.
                         Another important proof of this event is the Arabic
                    word bal, which appears in Surat an–Nisa':158, and has the
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