Page 107 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 107
(may Allah bless him and grant him peace), the Prophets
Moses, Solomon, David, Shu`ayb, Noah, Abraham, and Lot
(peace be upon them all), or with any other prophet men-
tioned in the Qur'an. When mentioning these prophets'
deaths, various forms of the word mata (death in the biolog-
ical sense) are employed, whereas the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
was "raised up" (rafa'a). This phenomenon will be discussed
in detail in later chapters. While the souls of all people, in-
cluding prophets, are raised to Allah's Presence, the use of
rafa'a with regard to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) indicates an
extraordinary situation. (Allah knows the truth.) The
Egyptian scholar Muhammad Khalil Herras, who has re-
searched and published his findings on the Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) return to Earth, says:
If the use of the word rafa'a in Surat an – Nisa':158 re-
ferred solely to the "raising of the soul," this would not
cancel out Jesus' (pbuh) killing and crucifixion, and the
wisdom revealed in the verse would not apply. For exam-
ple, if the Jews had killed Jesus (pbuh), his soul would, in
any case, have been raised to Allah. Indeed, we know that
the souls of all prophets and believers ascend to Allah
after they die. There is no difference in this regard be-
tween Jesus (pbuh) and all other people. Therefore, there
is a special feature in this verse: the raising of Jesus
(pbuh), while still alive, in both body and soul. At the
same time, when we look at the end of this verse, we see
that it manifests Allah's glory and wisdom. 56
Contrary to what some people maintain, the ascension