Page 108 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 108


                                         ADNAN OKTAR

                    is not a spiritual one or one of degree. Allah reveals that He

                    foiled the trap set for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Thus, given
                    the fact that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, the infor-
                    mation revealed in the verse shows that the Prophet Jesus
                    (pbuh) was raised to Allah with body and soul, and not
                    merely spiritually. The plotters were confounded by the
                    Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) ascension to Allah. (Allah knows the
                    truth.) The scholar Zahid al-Kawthari expounds on this by
                    giving the following example:
                         One verse regarding Prophet Muhammad (may Allah
                         bless him and grant him peace) states: "… Allah will pro-
                         tect you from people…" (Surat al – Ma'ida:67). There can
                         be no doubt that the verse means something other than:
                         "He raises your station before people." Our Prophet (may
                         Allah bless him and grant him peace) was attacked phys-
                         ically, and so Allah placed him under His physical pro-
                         tection. This also applies to Jesus (pbuh), who was physi-
                         cally attacked as well. Therefore, it is impossible for the
                         ascension referred to in the verse to have been merely a
                         spiritual one. 57
                         Clearly, Almighty Allah confounded the unbelievers
                    by raising the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) alive to His Presence.
                    All of this evidence shows that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is
                    still alive and will return to Earth when Allah wills. No
                    doubt, this is a most important news for sincere believers.

                    The fact that such a blessed prophet will return to Earth is a
                    miraculous situation and a source of great enthusiasm for
                    all believers who will witness this miracle.
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