Page 103 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 103


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                  literal translation of "on the contrary." The features of its

                  meaning and use in Arabic linguistics indicate a very im-
                  portant fact: According to the rules of Arabic linguistics, the
                  sentence that comes after it must have a meaning that is
                  completely opposite to the preceding statement. That being
                  the case, it is likely that the verses referring to the Prophet
                  Jesus (pbuh)  "… They did not kill him," (Surat
                  an–Nisa':157) "on the contrary [bal] Allah raised him up to
                  Himself…" (Surat an–Nisa':158) refer to the state of being
                  alive, rather than the state of being dead. (Allah knows the
                  truth.) Sheikh al-Islam Mustafa Sabri offered the following
                       If the term bal, which appears in Surat an–Nisa':158 and
                       which I have translated as "on the contrary," comes after a
                       sentence expressing a negativity, then, according to the
                       rules of Arabic linguistics, the sentence following it must
                       mean the exact opposite of the one preceding it. The op-
                       posite of death is life. This is a requirement of the rules of
                       linguistics. If we say that "the ascension here is a spiritual
                       one" and "Jesus (pbuh) died in the normal sense," then we
                       are violating that rule. In that case, the ascension follow-
                       ing the expression "on the contrary" would not represent
                       the opposite to the verbs of "killing" and "crucifying" in
                       the negative sentence preceding it. That is because it may
                       be possible for a person to be killed and for his or her soul
                       to rise to the skies. Otherwise, this term would be mean-
                       ingless, and there are no meaningless terms in the Qur'an
                       … According to those who support the thesis that the as-
                       cension is only one of the soul, the meaning of the verse is
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