Page 106 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 106
this: "They did not kill him and did not crucify him … on
the contrary, Allah raised his station." There is no particu-
lar oratory here, let alone succinctness … No rational per-
son could take the words "The elevator in my building
raises me to the fourth floor every day," to mean that I am
only raised to the fourth floor in spirit. Therefore, neither
was Jesus (pbuh) raised only in spirit. 54
Said Ramadan al-Buti interpreted the subject in the
same way:
The mutual compatibility between the verse's previous
and later sections necessarily reveals a fact. For example,
if an Arab says: "I am not hungry; on the contrary, I am
lying on my side," this is not a correct sentence. In the
same way, there is a discrepancy between the compo-
nents in the sentence: "Khalid did not die; on the con-
trary, he is a good man." What would be correct is to say:
"Khalid did not die; on the contrary, he is alive." To say:
"The chairman was not killed; he is a man with a superior
station in Allah's Presence" also leads to a break in mean-
ing in the sentence, for his having a high station in Allah's
Sight is no obstacle to his being killed. The term bal ex-
presses a contradiction between the preceding and the
following words. In other words, bal cancels out a previ-
ous statement. 55
Furthermore, if the word rafa'a indicated a spiritual
rank, then the Qur'an could have used the same term for
other prophets. Thus, the emphasis on the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) being "raised to Allah" contains great wisdom, for it
was not used in connection with the Prophet Muhammad