Page 93 - The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die
P. 93


                                       HARUN YAHYA

                       possible relative to His might and wisdom. A similar situ-
                       ation can be seen in the verse: "Glory be to Him, Who took
                       His servant on a journey by night from the Sacred
                       Mosque [Masjid al-Haram] to the Further Mosque
                       [Masjid al-Aqsa]…" (Surat al-Isra':1). That is because no
                       matter how much such a journey may be impossible rela-
                       tive to the power of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah
                       bless him and grant him peace), it is a most easy matter
                       relative to the might of Allah. 38
                       Mehmed Vehbi interpreted one of the elements of wis-
                  dom behind this revelation:
                       The elevation of Jesus (pbuh) to the heavens is deter-
                       mined in this verse. Although elevation to the heavens is
                       impossible relative to human power, in order to an-
                       nounce that this is not difficult relative to His might and
                       wisdom, Allah declares in the verse's preceding part that
                       He is All-Wise and Almighty. And in order to reveal the
                       perfection of His knowledge, He reveals that He is sover-
                       eign and that His might and wisdom are sufficient to ele-
                       vate Jesus (pbuh) to the heavens. 39
                       Hasanayn Muhammad Mahluf cited Prophet Muham-
                  mad's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) ascent to
                  heaven and stated:
                       In the same way that our Prophet (may Allah bless him
                       and grant him peace) ascended to the heavens in both
                       body and soul awake, so Jesus (pbuh) was raised alive to
                       the heavens. There is nothing peculiar here. Situations of
                       this kind are miraculous. There is no need for any com-
                       parison on this matter. Allah possesses might over all… 40
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