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K K U U R R A A N N B B ‹ ‹ L L ‹ ‹ M M E E Y Y O O L L G G Ö Ö S S T T E E R R ‹ ‹ R R
N No ot tl la ar r 22 Leakey, R., & Lewin, R. People of the Lake:
Mankind and Its Beginnings, New York:
1 Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, Crown Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1978, s. 17
Publishers, New York, 1954 23 S. J. Jones, A Thousand and One Eves, Natu-
2 Letter to Maurice Solovine, 1 Ocak 1951; Eins- re, cilt 34, 31 May›s 1990, s. 395
tein Archive 21-174, 80-871, Letters to Solovi- 24 William A. Dembski "Science and Design",
ne'de yay›nland›, s. 119 First Things, say› 86, Kas›m, 1998, s. 26
3 H. S. Lipson, A Physicist's View of Darwin's 25 G. Mansfield, Creation or Chance! God's pur-
Theory, Evolutionary Trends in Plants, vol. 2, pose with mankind proved by the wonder of
no. 1, 1988, s. 6 the universe, Logos Publications
4 H. S. Lipson, A Physicist Looks at Evolution.
26 S.R. Scadding, "Do 'Vestigial Organs' Provide
Physics Bulletin, vol. 31 (1980) s. 138
Evidence For Evolution?", Evolutionary The-
5 Albert Einstein, Science, Philosophy, And Reli-
ory, Cilt 5, May›s 1981, s. 173
gion: A Symposium,- 1941, ch1.3 27 Michael J.Behe, Darwin's Black Box, New
6 A.g.e, ch1.3 York: Free Press, 1996 s.231-232
7 Henry Margenau, Roy Abraham Vargesse. 28 Colin Patterson, Evolution and Creationism,
Cosmos, Bios, Theos. La Salle IL: Open Court
Amerikan Do¤a Tarihi Müzesi'nin Aç›l›fl›nda-
Publishing, 1992, s. 241 ki Konuflmas›ndan, New York, 5 Kas›m 1981
8 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and Creator, Ori- 29 A.g.e,
gins & Design, Bahar 1996, cilt 17, s. 18 30 The Earth Before Man, s. 51
9 Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny: How the 31 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Char-
Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Uni- les Darwin, cilt.I, New York:D. Appleton and
verse, The New York: The Free Press, 1998, s. Company, 1888, s.413
14-15 32 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Char-
10 Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christen- les Darwin, cilt.I, s.315
dom, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980, s. 59 33 F. Clark Howell, Early Man, NY: Time Life
11 Søren Løvtrup , Darwinism: The Refutation of Books, 1973, s.24-25
A Myth, New York: Croom Helm, 1987, s.422
12 Paul R. Ehrlich ve Richard W. Holm, Patterns 34 Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe:
and Populations, Science, cilt. 137 (31 A¤us- Where Darwin Went Wrong, New York:
tos1962), s. 656-7 Ticknor and Fields 1982, s. 204
13 Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose,. Molecular Evolution 35 Charles Darwin'in, Origin Of The Species
and The Origin of Life,. New York: Marcel (Türlerin Kökeni) kitab›n›n "Dutton: Every-
Dekker, 1977. s. 2 man's Library" bask›s›n›n Önsözü, 1956, s.xxii
14 Klaus Dose, The Origin Of Life: More Questi- 36 Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker,
ons Than Answers, Interdisciplinary Science London: W. W. Norton 1986, s. 229
Reviews, cilt 13, no.4, 1988, s. 348 37 Mark Czarnecki, The Revival of the Creati-
15 George Gamow, Martynas Ycas, Mr. Tomp- onist Crusade, MacLean's, 19 Ocak 1981, s. 56
38 Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appe-
kins Inside Himself, Allen & Unwin, Londra,
al to Reason, Boston, Gambit, 1971, s. 101
1966, s. 149
39 Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker,
16 Pat Shipman, Birds Do It... Did Dinosaurs?,
London: W. W. Norton, 1986, s. 159
New Scientist, 1 fiubat 1997, s. 28
17 Colin Patterson, Harper's, fiubat 1984, s.60 40 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lin-
18 Pierre-P Grassé, Evolution of Living Orga- coln, The Messianic Legacy, Gorgi Books,
nisms, New York, Academic Press, 1977, s. London:1991, s.177-178
103 41 Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny: How the
19 Canl› vücudunun genetik flifresinde meydana Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Uni-
gelen de¤iflikliklere mutasyon denir. Radyas- verse, s. 389
yon ve baz› kimyasallar mutasyona neden 42 Michael J.Behe, Darwin's Black Box, s.239
olan etkenlerdendir. Evrimciler canl›lar›n 43 Edward J. larson ve Larry Witham, Scientists
mutasyona u¤rayarak evrimlefltiklerini iddia and Religion in America, Scientific American,
ederler. Ancak mutasyonlar›n tamam› zarar- Eylül 1999, s. 81
l›d›r ve canl›lar› sakatlamaktan baflka bir etki- 44 Richard Lewontin, The Demon-Haunted
leri olmaz.. Çernobil'de meydana gelen rad- World, The New York Review of Books, 9
yasyon s›z›nt›s› mutasyonlar›n zararlar›n›n Ocak 1997, s.28
göstergelerinden biridir. Bu faciadan sonra 45 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, s. 234
çok say›da insanda kan kanseri gibi çeflitli 46 General Science, Carolyn Sheets, Robert Gard-
hastal›klar, sakat do¤umlar gibi ciddi ve kal›- ner, Samuel F. Howe; Allyn and Bacon Inc.
c› rahats›zl›klar görülmüfltür. Newton, Massachusetts, ss. 319-322
20 Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution, Lon- 47 science-
don, River Publishing, 1984, s. 70 apps/dixon/report6.html
21 Gordon Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery, 48 Carolyn Sheets, Robert Gardner, Samuel F.
New York: Harper and Row, 1983, s. 34-38 Howe; General Science, Allyn and Bacon Inc.
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