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K K U U R R A A N N  B B ‹ ‹ L L ‹ ‹ M M E E  Y Y O O L L  G G Ö Ö S S T T E E R R ‹ ‹ R R

                & Unwin, 1933, p.214             132 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God
              109 Charles Coulson, Science and Christian Beli-  In Expanding Universe, s. 155
                ef, s.72-73                      133 Newsweek, 27 Temmuz 1998, s.49
              110 Jeffrey L. Sheler and Joannie M. Schrof, The  134 Newsweek, 27 Temmuz 1998, s.48-49
                Creation, US News & World Report, 23 Ara-  135 Hugh Ross, Creator and the Cosmos, s.112
                l›k 1991.                        136 Hugh Ross, Design and the Anthropic Prin-
              111 Taflk›n Tuna, Sonsuz Uzaylar, s.31  ciple, Reasons to Believe, CA1988
              112 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God  137 4 Nisan 1998 tarihinde Istanbul'da Bilim
                In Expanding Universe, s. 182-183   Araflt›rma Vakf› taraf›ndan düzenlenen "Ev-
              113     rim Teorisinin Çöküflü: Yarat›l›fl Gerçe¤i" adl›
                efer/docs/scientists.html           I. Uluslararas› Konferansta Prof. Duan
              114 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God  Gish'in konuflmas›.
                In Expanding Universe, s. 191    138 http://www.answersingene-
              115 William Dembski, The Act of Creation, Brid-
                ging Transcendence and Immanence, sunum:  139 http://www.answersingene-
                Millstatt Forum, Strasbourg, France, 10 A¤us-
                tos 1998                         140
              116 Stephen C. Meyer, Tasar›m ve Köken konulu  sov.html
                "Mere Creation:Reclaiming the Book of Natu-  141 http://www.answersingene-
                re-Conference" adl› konferansta "The Expla-
                natory Power of Design: DNA and the Origin  142 http://www.answersingene-
                of Information" bafll›kl› konuflmas›ndan al›n-
                ma, Biola University, 14-17 Kas›m 1996.  143
              117  ce/helix/TH50/TH50C.htm
                dence.html                       144 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God
              118  In Expanding Universe, s. 225
                dence.html                       145 http://www.answersingene-
              119 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God
                In Expanding Universe, s. 181    146 imp-
              120 Newsweek, 27 Temmuz 1998, s.46    267.htm
              121 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God  147 Michael J.Behe, Darwin's Black Box, s.196
                In Expanding Universe, s. 219    148 Tim Stafford, The Making of a Revolution,
              122 A.g.e,s. 212                      Christianity Today, Cilt 41, No. 14, 8 Aral›k
              123 A.g.e, s. 196                     1997.
              124 Internat›onal Cathechet›cal Congress Of Ro-  149 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Gi-
                me, 20-25/09/1971, Roma, Stadium, (Bu  niger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss
                kongre ile ilgili tutanaklar›n 449-450. sayfala-  Their Beliefs, s.3
                r›.)  150 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Gi-
                man/sci-cp/sci85073.html            niger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss
              125 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God  Their Beliefs, s.14
                In Expanding Universe, s. 211    151 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Gi-
              126 4 Nisan 1998 tarihinde Istanbul'da Bilim  niger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss
                Araflt›rma Vakf› taraf›ndan düzenlenen "Ev-  Their Beliefs, Templeton Foundation Press,
                rim Teorisinin Çöküflü: Yarat›l›fl Gerçe¤i"  Philedelphia &, Londo,n s.22-23
                isimli I. Uluslararas› Konferansta, Prof. Ken-  152 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Gi-
                neth Cumming'in konuflmas›           niger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss
              127 5 Temmuz 1998 tarihinde Istanbul'da Bilim  Their Beliefs, ss. 50-51
                Araflt›rma Vakf› taraf›ndan düzenlenen "Ev-  153 John Marks Templeton, Kenneth Seeman Gi-
                rim Teorisinin Çöküflü: Yarat›l›fl Gerçe¤i" adl›  niger, Spiritual Evolution - Scientists Discuss
                II. Uluslararas› Konferansta Prof. David Men-  Their Beliefs, s.131
                ton'›n konuflmas›.                154
              128 5 Temmuz 1998 tarihinde Istanbul'da Bilim  155
                Araflt›rma Vakf› taraf›ndan düzenlenen "Ev-  156 http://www.leade-
                rim Teorisinin Çöküflü: Yarat›l›fl Gerçe¤i" adl›
                II. Uluslararas› Konferansta Prof. John Mor-  157 William Lane Craig, Cosmos and Creator,
                ris'in konuflmas›.                   Origins & Design, cilt.17, s.18
              129 Sir John Templeton, Evidence of Purpose -  158 http://www.answersingene-
                Scientists Discover the Creator, Continuum,
                New York 1994, s.103             159 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science,
              130 John Clover Monsma, The Evidence Of God  Faith & Intelligent Design, InterVarsity Press
                In Expanding Universe, s. 165       1998, s.461
              131 Newsweek, 27 Temmuz 1998,  s. 49  160 William A. Dembski, Mere Creation, Science,

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