Page 168 - Evrimcilerin İtirafları
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              K Kaynakça
               K Kaynakça
              1. D.M.S. Watson, "Adaptation", Nature, say› 124, s.  Darwin, Cilt.II, s. 25
                 233                               20. Robert B. Downs, Dünyay› De¤ifltiren Kitaplar,
              2. Richard Lewontin, The Demon-Haunted World,  Tur Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul 1980, s. 289
                 The New York Review of Books, 9 Ocak, 1997,  21. Robert B. Downs, Dünyay› De¤ifltiren Kitaplar,
                 s.28                                s.290
              3. Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature,  22. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles
                 New York, Simon and Schuster, 1981, s. 88   Darwin, Cilt.I, s. 315
              4. Henry Margenau, Roy Abraham Vargesse, Cos-  23. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles
                 mos, Bios, Theos, La Salle IL:Open Court Pub-  Darwin, Cilt.II, s.42-43
                 lishing, 1992, s. 241             24. Pierre Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Orga-
              5. H. S. Lipson, "A Physicist's View of Darwin's The-  nisms, Academic Press, New York, 1977, s.8
                 ory", Evolution Trends in Plants, Cilt 2, No.1,  25. Pierre Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Orga-
                 1988, s. 6                          nisms, s.103
              6. Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, Onur Yay›nla-  26. Derek Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil Record."
                 r›, Be?inci Bask›, Ankara 1996, s. 185   Proceedings of the Geological Association, Vol.
              7. Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, s. 528   87, No:2, 1976, s. 132
              8. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  27. SBS Vital Topics, David B. Loughran, Nisan
                 Darwin, Cilt.I, New York:D. Appleton and  1996, Stewarton Bible School, Stewarton, Scot-
                 Company, 1888, s.315                land,
              9. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  URL:
                 Darwin, Cilt.I, s. 395              sites/sbs777/vital/evolutio.html
              10. N.C. Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem  28. Lewis Thomas, "On the Uncertainty of Science",
                 of Creation, 1979, s. 2 (Chicago üniversitesi ki-  Key Reporter, vol.46 (Sonbahar 1980), s.2
                 tab›)                             29. H.A. Orr ve Jerry Coyne (1992), "The Genetics of
              11. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  Adaptation: A Reassessment", American Natu-
                 Darwin, Cilt.II, New York:D. Appleton and  ralist, 140, 726
                 Company, 1888, s.358              30. H. S. Lipson, "A Physicist Look at Evolution",
              12. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  Physics Bulletin, 31 (1980), s. 138
                 Darwin, Cilt.I, s.413             31. Gregory Alan Pesely, "The Epistomological Sta-
              13. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  tus of Natural Selection", Laval Theologique et
                 Darwin, Cilt.I, s.430               Philosophique, vol. 38 (fiubat 1982), s. 74
              14. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  32. Dr. Colin Patterson, "Evolution and Creati-
                 Darwin, Cilt.II, s.152              onism", American Museum of Natural His-
              15. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  tory'deki konuflmas›ndan, New York City, 5 Ka-
                 Darwin, Cilt.I, s. 439              s›m 1981
              16. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  33. SBS Vital Topics, David B. Loughran, Nisan
                 Darwin, Cilt.II, s.117              1996, Stewarton Bible School, Stewarton, Scot-
              17. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  land,
                 Darwin, Cilt.II, s.501              (URL:
              18. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  sites/sbs777/vital/evolutio.html)
                 Darwin, Cilt.II, s. 388             (
              19. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  ce_encyclopedia/01-evol1.htm, Scientists Spe-
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