Page 13 - The Golden Age
P. 13

T T            he End Times (or the Last Days) may not be a familiar
                          concept to many people. Therefore, we first give a
                          brief explanation of it. The End Times means "the last
           era." According to Islamic literature, this period of time is close to
           Doomsday, during which we will witness the prevalence of the
           Qur'an's morality and widespread adherence to religious values.
              Towards the end of this period, all conditions that ensure a peace-
           ful and safe life will be established, and the misery that marked the
           previous periods will be replaced will wealth, abundance, and justice.
           All forms of immorality, fraud, and degeneration will end. This is the
           blessed period, marked by Islamic morality, for which all people of
           faith have longed for centuries.
              The Hadith literature and the works of Muslim scholars contain
           extensive references to this period. These descriptions indicate that,
           following great corruption and outrage, Earth will enter upon a pe-
           riod of salvation characterized by bounty and blessings due to the
           prevalence of true religion. In this period, science, medicine, and tech-
           nology will advance to a unprecedented degree and provide exten-
           sive benefits humanity, and the understanding of art will flourish in
           an unprecedented way.
              During the early phases of the End Times, moral degeneration will
           become all-pervasive due to the influence of some philosophical sys-
           tems such as atheism, materialism and racism. Humanity will forget
           the reason for its existence and thus enter the downward spiral of
           spiritual purposelessness and moral degeneration. Great disasters
           will occur one after another. Wars and insurmountable trouble will
           cause humanity to seek the answer to the question: "Is there a way
           out?" But Allah will save people from this great turmoil and enable
           them to enter a blessed period. Actually, such a blessed period applies
           to each community at all times, provided its members abide by the
           Qur'an's morality. Allah has always granted great blessings to His ser-
           vants who, out of their awe and consciousness of Him, comply metic-
           ulously with His commands. He causes such people to live in

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