Page 17 - The Golden Age
P. 17

M                    any hadiths indicate the existence of a period
                                when the Qur'an's values will pervade Earth.
                                This period, known as the Golden Age, will
           last for more than half a century and, in many ways, will resemble the
           Blessed Period of our Prophet (saas). We call this period the Golden

           Age due to our Prophet's (saas) Paradise-like depictions of it. It will be
           marked by the abundance of every type of goods and crops, the estab-
           lishment of security, justice, peace, and happiness; and the use of ad-
           vanced technology for humanity's comfort, ease, joy, and peace. No
           one will be in need, for all goods and services will be available to sat-

           isfy all people's material needs. Many hadiths say that "weapons will
           be silenced," and thus herald a world filled with peace. In the Golden
           Age, enemy nations will become brothers and sisters and re-establish
           peace, friendship, and love among their leaders and peoples.
              Technology will reach its peak, and people will receive its fullest
           benefits. Medicine, agriculture, communication, transportation, and

           industry will undergo remarkable development, and people will con-
           tinuously witness new discoveries. Each discovery will become an
           impetus for another and thereby contribute to the overall acceleration
           of discoveries.

              The arts will flourish, and the broad horizons and deep thinking
           granted by faith in Allah will advance all branches of art. Such a spirit
           will enable people to produce glamorous works of music, theater, and
           painting. According to one hadith, people will be so content that they
           will spend their days with no idea as to how time passes and how one
           day turns into the next. They will pray to Allah to prolong their lives

           in order to receive more benefits from these graces. Another Prophetic
           hadith states that "the younger ones wish they were grown-ups, while the
           adults wish they were younger… The good become even more good, and the
           wicked ones are treated well." 1

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