Page 27 - The Golden Age
P. 27


           and tests them with starvation and fear. One verse mentions this
           Divine Justice:
              Corruption has appeared in both land and sea because of what peo-
              ple's own hands have brought about, so that they may taste some-
              thing of what they have done, so that hopefully they will turn back.
              (Surat ar-Rum: 41)
              Allah gives the example of Pharaoh and his people, who were sub-
           jected to drought and scarcity of crops because of their ungratefulness.
           Allah tested Pharaoh with drought at a time when he had been enjoy-
           ing great wealth and possessions:
              We seized Pharaoh's people with years of drought and scarcity of
              fruits so that hopefully they would pay heed. (Surat al-A'raf: 130)
              Throughout the Qur'an, Allah calls attention to these attributes of
           disbelieving societies:
              Allah makes an example of a city that was safe and at peace, its provi-
              sion coming to it plentifully from every side. Then it showed ingrati-
              tude for Allah's blessings, so Allah made it wear the robes of hunger
              and fear for what it did. (Surat an-Nahl: 112)
              Allah reveals the real reason why He makes the unbelievers' lives
              But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark
              and narrow one … (Surah Ta-Ha: 124)
              Those societies that turned away from Messengers' warnings and
           insisted upon denial have always encountered great trouble. However,
           as the verses and hadiths inform us, sincere Muslims are always re-
           warded with great blessings for their faith. In addition to this, our
           Prophet (saas) said that his people will live in blessings, especially dur-
           ing the Last Days:
              A time will come when a person, with his golden alms in his hand, will go
              around, finding no one (in need) who is willing to receive the alms. 12
              Then will my Ummah be blessed, the number of animals will increase
              and the land will bear its fruits. 13
              Definitely possessions will be in abundance then, flowing like water. Yet no
              one will (condescend) to take any. 14

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