Page 51 - The Golden Age
P. 51


           teachings will amaze the world with their masterpieces. Their innov-
           ative works will be unique and invigorate people's lives.

              The Example of Prophet Sulayman (as)
              The Qur'an provides a detailed account about aesthetics. Prophet
           Sulayman (as), who had a superior understanding of art, is a good ex-
           ample of the Muslims' aesthetic understanding. From the Qur'anic ac-
           counts, we understand that art, aesthetics, and beauty pervaded
           Prophet Sulayman (as)'s palace. Its floor, which was the first thing to
           catch people's attention, gave the impression of water, for it was made
           of glass. The sight of such a transparent floor appeals to the human
           soul and gives relief. It is also exciting, since it is unique. Indeed, the
           impact of the palace's splendor on the Queen of Saba is related in the
           Qur'an as follows:
              But what she worshipped besides Allah impeded her. She was from
              an unbelieving people. She was told: "Enter the courtyard." But
              when she saw it, she supposed it to be a pool and bared her legs. He
              said: "It is a courtyard paved with glass." She said: "My Lord, I have
              wronged myself, but I have submitted with Sulayman to the Lord of
              all the worlds." (Surat an-Naml: 43-44)
              The Qur'an provides further details about Prophet Sulayman (as)'s
           life. One verse calls our attention to why he enjoyed wealth, power,
           and magnificence, which are blessings from Allah:
              And he said: "Truly do I love the love of good, with a view to the
              glory of my Lord." (Surah Sad: 32)
              Another verse informs us that he made his people produce various
           works of art:
              They made for him anything that he wished: high arches and stat-
              ues, huge dishes like cisterns, great built-in cooking vats. "Work,
              family of Dawud, in thankfulness!" But very few of My servants are
              thankful. (Surah Saba: 13)
              These works of art convey his elegant understanding of art. Today,
           only one wall of this temple known as Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem
           remains, but as the Qur'an and historical documents and accounts re-

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