Page 53 - The Golden Age
P. 53
Golden Age's superior and unique arts. Most contemporary works of
art either lack creative power or are imitations, for most people make
no effort to think and produce new ideas. Meanwhile, any novelty is
imitated and thus quickly loses its originality.
Monotony also manifests itself in music-making. For instance, a
song's performance is limited to certain instruments, while a musical
work may have many variations. Being resistant to true innovation,
narrow-mindedness and competition underlie this lack of ingenuity.
People tend to imitate popular works, since they prefer fame and mate-
rial gain over aesthetic values. For this reason, despite belonging to dif-
ferent genres, the identical rhythms, melodies, and lyrics are repeated.
This is also why innovative theater plays are not produced. For cen-
turies, the same plays are repeated with minor alterations. The charac-
ters' conversations, answers and behaviors become so similar that a
regular theater-goer almost knows them by heart. The actors' actions,
voices of tone, style, and way of addressing are far from natural.
However, in the Golden Age, everyone will learn how to take plea-
sure from the surrounding beauties and will strive for perfection. Its
welfare will enable artists to produce amazing works of art. In music
and other branches of art, various and unique works will be pro-
duced. Perfectly original video clips and forms of entertainment will
make every instant of life more enjoyable and vivid.
Some contemporary artists produce fine works of art. But due to
the reasons mentioned above, they are few in number and thus their
works are accessible to only a mere handful of people. In the Golden
Age, however, these works will be available to the public.
These are only a few of the Golden Age's unique advances. In an
environment where people comply strictly with the Qur'an's com-
mands, the believers' lives will become perfect. In the following verse,
Allah informs us that the only reason why people remain deprived of
blessings is unbelief:
Were it not that mankind might all become one community, We
would have given those who reject the All-Merciful silver roofs to
their houses, silver stairways to ascend, silver doors to their houses,
silver couches on which to recline, and gold ornaments. (Surat az-
Zukhruf: 33-35)