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            1- Sünen-i Ebu Davud, 5/121
            2- Sünen-i İbni Mace Tercemesi ve Şerhi, Haydar Hatipoğlu, Kahraman Yayınları, c. 10,
               s. 332
            3- Ölüm-Kıyamet-Ahiret ve Ahir Zaman Alametleri, İmam Şa'rani, Bedir Yayınevi, s.494
            4- Muhammed B. Resul Al-Hüseyni, Kıyamet Alametleri, Mütercim: Naim Erdoğan, 7.
               baskı, Pamuk Yayınları, s. 155-156
            5- Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, Muhakemat, s. 67-68
            6- Karadelik, Uzay Ansiklopedisi, s. 136; Carl Sagan, Kosmos, s. 199
            7- Kuran-ı Kerim'in Türkçe Meali Alisi ve Tefsiri, Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, Bilmen
               Yayınevi, c. 4, s. 1989
            8- Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, 16. Lema, s. 101
            9- Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, Sözler, s. 343
            10- Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose,  Molecular Evolution and The Origin of Life, New York:
               Marcel Dekker, 1977, s. 2
            11- Alexander I. Oparin,  Origin of Life, (1936) New York, Dover Publications, 1953
               (Reprint), s.196
            12- "New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere and Life", Bulletin of the
               American Meteorological Society, c. 63, Kasım 1982, s. 1328-1330.
            13- Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of
               Small Molecules, 1986, s. 7
            14- Jeffrey Bada, Earth, Şubat 1998, s. 40
            15- Leslie E. Orgel, The Origin of Life on Earth, Scientific American, c. 271, Ekim 1994,
               s. 78
            16- Charles Darwin,  The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard
               University Press, 1964, s. 189
            17- Charles Darwin,  The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard
               University Press, 1964, s. 184.
            18- B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania: The Banner Of Truth Trust, 1988.
            19- Charles Darwin,  The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard
               University Press, 1964, s. 179
            20- Derek A. Ager,  "The Nature of the Fossil Record", Proceedings of the British
               Geological Association, c. 87, 1976, s. 133
            21- Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New York: Pantheon Books, 1983. s. 197
            22- Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970,
               ss. 75-94; Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of Australopithecines in Human Evolution:
               Grounds for Doubt", Nature, c. 258, s. 389
            23- J. Rennie, "Darwin's Current Bulldog: Ernst Mayr", Scientific American, Aralık 1992
            24- Alan Walker, Science, c. 207, 1980, s. 1103; A. J. Kelso, Physical Antropology, 1. baskı,
               New York: J. B. Lipincott Co., 1970, s. 221; M. D. Leakey, Olduvai Gorge, c. 3,
               Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971, s. 272
            25- Time, Kasım 1996
            26- S. J. Gould, Natural History, c. 85, 1976, s. 30
            27- Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970,
               s. 19
            28- Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World", The New York Review of Books,
               9 Ocak, 1997, s. 28.
            29- Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980,

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