Page 13 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 13

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

            one under another's control and to make him believe the most unlikely, irra-
            tional things.
                 This book's title, The Dark Spell of Darwinism, comes from this very anal-
            ogy. The goal of Darwinism is to get people to reject the obvious fact of
            Creation, which is clearly evident and assured, and to believe in the myth em-
            bodied in the theory of evolution. When someone falls under the spell of
            Darwinism, he also comes under the control of those who support the theory
            of evolution. Darwinism, and the theory of evolution, are incredible and illog-
            ical beliefs; they are like the proposition that that black is a chance byproduct
            of the changes that white undergoes, over time. But over the past 150 years,
            countless individuals have adopted these ideas passionately, and nothing can
            convince them to give them up. All the scientific evidence and plain facts in
            the world haven't been able to free them from this spell's influence. It is as if
            they've been bewitched to believe that it is raining when the sun is out and to
            insist that they are getting wet.
                 At this point, perhaps you think it might be more appropriate to describe
            the Darwinists' inner condition as a deficiency of mental or conceptual ability,
            instead of as a spell. But those who believe in Darwinism include educated in-
            dividuals, professors and even Nobel Prizewinners. Rather than indicating
            any lack of conceptual ability, their attachment to Darwinism shows that they
            are under some kind of spell.
                 The purpose of this book is to rescue people from Darwinism's influence
            by revealing the exact ways in which it effects its persuasions and by uncov-
            ering the efforts that Darwinists make to prevent this illusion from losing its
            power. At the same time, we'll help you employ your own conscience and in-
            telligence to consider—and understand—the self-evident fact of Creation.
                 Anyone who's been rescued from the spell of Darwinism and grasps the
            reality of Creation will also understand that Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds,
            has created him as well. This fact is the greatest import, because the sole pur-
            pose for the world's coming into existence is so that for people may come to
            know Allah and serve Him.

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